Check out other inductees: (A to E) - (L to R) - (S to Z)
Glenna (Sebestyn) Fairbrother
Dean Faris
Dan Farthing
Pat Fletcher
Rick Folk
Allan Francis
Jerry Friesen
Ron Friesen
Gordon Garvie
Brian Gavlas
George Genereux
Stan Glover
Gary Goplen
Gordon Goplen
Martha (Nelson) Grant
Rob Guenter
Duk Sang Ha
Yoon Sang Ha
Irene Haworth-Lacy
Kelsie Hendry
Ernest "Ossie" Herlen
Harvey Hildebrandt
Robert (Bob) Hodges
Stan Holcomb
Gordie Howe
Eugene Hritzuk
Jenni Hucul
Clifford "Porky" Hulme
Jennie Irvine
Riley Janes
Bill Jenkins
Elanor (Haslam) Jensen
Nancy Jewitt-Filteau
Tracy Kelly
Corrina Kennedy
Dana Kidd
Orest Kindrachuk
Irene Kokotailo
Diane Jones Konihowski
John Konihowski
Cliff Koroll
Shannon Kekula Kristiansen
Tim Kroeker
Frank Kurenda
Heather Kuttai
" You find that you have peace of mind and can enjoy yourself, get more sleep, rest when you know that it was a one hundred percent effort that you gave - win or lose. " -- Gordie Howe